Why FELFEL is key in the workplace of the future




Flaschenpost is a young e-commerce startup and the largest online wine store in Switzerland. The company's office, which employs 70 people, is located in Zurich. The company operates on a fully flexible work model, with employees having the freedom to work from wherever they choose.

Flaschenpost 's rapid growth gave it the opportunity to expand its office and redesign its office space. The company immediately took this as an opportunity to ask itself what role the office should have in the future.

The company culture has always been oriented towards the concept of "New Work". The office should be a place where people can meet and enable positive social interactions. According to Co-CEO Dominic Blaesi, the previous office did not implement this concept well due to its lack of created community spaces.

Together with workplace consulting firm Berry, Flaschenpost took the opportunity to question the role of the office in the modern, post-pandemic workplace:

- What is the new role of the office?
- How can a company make its office more attractive?
- How can a company offer flexibility at work while keeping teams together?


Flaschenpost assembled a dedicated team to tackle these challenges. The following points emerged as central to the questions at hand:

The purpose of the office should be to bring people together; this is a mission that FELFEL also supports. The employees of Flaschenpost have always enjoyed spending time together. In the past, this happened outside of the office. With FELFEL , they now have the opportunity to come together on a daily basis, and they do so in the office, a space they enjoy spending time in.

Co-CEO Dominic Blaesi says, "I see our office a bit like a beehive: Our employees are constantly on the move or working from home, and the office serves as their home base where they can come together and connect."

The design (look and feel) of the office is central, because employees need to feel comfortable in the space they are in. The office space should be divided into thematic areas: Focus Area, Creativity/Brainstorm Area, Phone Area. The home office is also considered an area. Of course, the focus is on the lounge area, which is consistent with the goal of the 'hive'.

Jenny von Berry believes that the design of FELFEL fits perfectly into the aesthetics of the new office: "The wooden façade of the FELFEL made it very easy to integrate it into the design concept. In the cafeteria, it not only looks beautiful, but also serves as an additional light source."

Add to this the flexibility of the FELFEL: Available 24/7, Flaschenpost employees can come into the office at any time and enjoy good food. With the variety of options in the FELFEL refrigerator, Flaschenpost can cater to individual employee needs (taste and nutrition), ensuring there is something for everyone.

The result

With its 9 years of experience in employee catering and shared values, FELFEL was the obvious choice for Flaschenpost. Co-CEO Dominic Blaesi said, "When we considered setting up a food offering for our employees in the cafeteria, FELFEL was the only option for us. On the one hand, because we have had a positive perception of the company in the market for some time, and on the other hand, because we believe it is the gold standard in employee catering."

Since the introduction of FELFEL , the perception of the office by Flaschenpost-employees has changed positively. The FELFEL supports coming together, eating together, and thus having that bonding element. Jil Hägeli from Flaschenpost: "Sometimes I work from home in the morning and then check the app to see what's available at FELFEL . Then for lunch I go to the office and can eat together with my team."

One central element of Flaschenpost's employer branding is to attract new employees while also fostering loyalty among them. FELFEL has contributed to strengthening Flaschenpost's mission to be a leading company in the field of the New Work concept with its innovative offereing.

With the FELFEL we could notice some changes. The biggest is certainly that many more employees spontaneously decide to eat together, and so private conversations also arise and people get to know each other better.
- Dominic Blaesi, Co-CEO

And finally: WE MAKE IT FUN!

Hospitality goes well beyond a delicious meal and a top-quality coffee. We want you and your team to enjoy and let us take care of things - from start to finish.